Daggerheart Date Revealed: We Will See You May 20th!

It’s finally here! … Almost.

We are so thrilled to announce Daggerheart will officially be released May 20th, 2025! Years in the making, thousands of characters created and beta games played, uncountable edits, tweaks, and adjustments and now it is here. Thank you all for everything, all the comments, playtests, and feedback forms—this game would not be the amazing game it is without you.

Daggerheart Availability

May 20th is the release date for anyone who pre-orders through Daggerheart.com, Darrington Press Guild stores, and other friendly local gaming stores, as well as digital versions of the game on Demiplane and DriveThruRPG. For everywhere else books and games are sold, find it on June 3rd.

While both the Daggerheart Core Set and Daggerheart Core Set – Limited Edition are releasing on the same day, the limited edition is only available through Daggerheart.com and Darrington Press Guild stores while supplies last! So this is last call for pre-orders.

Daggerheart Core Set – Limited Edition

Come Play Daggerheart!

Never got a chance to playtest? Want to take the final version of Daggerheart for a spin? We have excellent news!

We will be running Daggerheart games at a truly astonishing number of conventions, big and small, this year. We will be at GAMA Expo, Gen Con, UK Games Expo, PAX Unplugged, and so many more! Keep an eye on your local conventions and the Darrington Press socials and newsletter to see if a game is being run at a convention near you.

We look forward to hearing the tales you weave with Daggheart coming May 20th!

Illustration by Dominik Mayer